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Australian Awards
Fellowship Program

Supporting Emergency Care Workforce Development across the Indo-Pacific region

March - May 2025


This Australia Awards Fellowship Program, hosted by the Alfred Health and Monash University through the Alfred Emergency Academic Centre, will offer a comprehensive learning experience to enhance the skills, knowledge and networks of emergency care clinicians (doctors, nurses and allied health professionals) from Timor Leste and selected Pacific Island Countries (PICs). It aims to develop clinical and leadership capabilities, promote quality improvement initiatives and foster regional collaboration.


The primary objectives of the Australia Awards Fellowship Program are:

  • To enhance clinical and leadership skills among emergency care clinicians from Timor Leste and PICs.

  • To foster regional collaboration, knowledge exchange and the development of professional networks in emergency care

  • To support the professional development of ACEM Certificate enrolees from low- and middle-income countries


In delivering this program, Alfred Health and Monash University (through the Alfred Emergency Academic Centre) will collaborate with several partners, including:

  • Partner health services across Australia

  • The Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM)

  • The Pacific Community (SPC)

  • PNG Society for Emergency Medicine (PNGSEM)

  • Hospital Nacional Guido Valadares, Dili, Timor Leste

A Technical Advisory Group comprising representatives of these organisations will oversee the delivery of the program.

Eligibility Criteria

This Australia Awards Fellowship Program is open to emergency care clinicians who are citizens of Timor Leste, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Samoa, Tonga, Kiribati and Vanuatu. Eligibility criteria are detailed in supporting material.  

Program Components & Time Commitments

This Australia Awards Fellowship program has three components:

1. Online Short Courses (12 Weeks)

Fellows will engage in an established 12-week online course offered by Alfred Health and Monash University. Participants can select a course that aligns with their role, career trajectory, and learning needs. There is availability across both Semester 1 and Semester 2 in 2025.

The available courses include:

Clinical emergency care (basic) 
Clinical emergency care (advanced) 
Leadership and management (for doctors) 
Leadership and management (for nurses) 
Global emergency care capacity building: 

2. One-Week Workshop at Alfred Health, Melbourne, Australia

Fellows will participate in a purpose-designed, highly interactive one-week workshop at Alfred Health in Melbourne. This workshop will focus on clinical skills and attributes that are difficult to impart online. It will also provide an opportunity to build relationships and networks with fellow participants.

3. Clinical Observership (Approximately two – three weeks) 

Fellows will undertake a clinical observership at Alfred Hospital or a partner health service in Australia. Placements will be tailored to the fellows’ specific needs, allowing them to observe high-performing healthcare systems and focus on areas of particular relevance, such as leadership, trauma care or infection control. This observership is critical for understanding how emergency care systems operate.


During the period of March to May, 2025. (Exact dates to be confirmed following selection of participants, finalisation of observership sites and travel planning) 

ACEM Certificate

The program will also support the professional development of emergency doctors enrolled (or seeking to enrol) in the ACEM Certificate, allowing them to complete an Australian clinical attachment and other training components. The Fellowship will cover the enrolment costs for successful candidates seeking to commence the ACEM Certificate in 2025.

Selection Process

The selection process for the Australia Awards Fellowship Program involves:

  1. Completion of an application form: Interested candidates must complete the online application form and provide a letter of support from their head of department (see supporting documents below). The submission deadline is 1700 AEST on 15th July, 2024.

  2. Shortlisting: Applicants will be assessed against pre-specified selection criteria. Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit a letter of support from the Ministry of Health (or equivalent) in their home country.

  3. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade review: Successful applicants will be notified by the Australian Government.

    For any questions please contact: 

Supporting Documents

This Australia Awards Fellowship Program is supported by the Australian Government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. For further information on the Australia Awards Fellowship Program, visit

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