Congratulations to A/Prof Gerard O’Reilly, Emergency Physician – Alfred Health, for receiving a project grant from the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine Foundation aimed at promoting emergency care across Bangladesh.
Bangladesh has a population of 160 million and is amongst the poorest countries in Asia. It has some of the worst health indices and the burden of injury is substantial. The incidence of disasters is extreme, including cyclones, floods, famine, epidemics, building collapses, bomb blasts and complex emergencies, such as the ongoing Rohingya refugee crisis. There is no effective emergency care system, so there is minimal resilience to these disasters.
The ‘Bangladesh Emergency Care System Improvement’ project (BECSI) will be carried out in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and key emergency care stakeholders in Bangladesh.
The stakeholders in Bangladesh remain desperate to improve emergency care in Bangladesh, starting with:
A national consensus on current priority actions for emergency care system improvement
The introduction of an emergency care system improvement program
The BECSI project will use the WHO Emergency Care System Assessment (ECSA) process, which has been conducted in over 30 countries, yielding feasible priority actions and practical next steps for emergency care system development.
The BECSI project will promote the development of emergency care in Bangladesh by:
Providing a national forum for multi-sector (government, policy, hospital, management, disaster response, prehospital, clinicians) engagement, consensus and an agreed report for emergency care system improvement, and
Supporting national representation and participation in the introduction of an Emergency Care System Quality Improvement program.
This 12-month project will commence in April 2020. Learn more about this project