2020 Publications
2020 Publications
Abetz JW, Olaussen A, Jennings PA, Smit V, Mitra B. Review article: Pre-hospital provider clinical judgement upon arrival to the emergency department: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Emerg Med Australas. 2020;32(6):917-23.
Akkam A, Asiri O, Joarder A, Almazroua F, Mitra B. Epidemiology of traumatic head injury among children presenting to a tertiary hospital in Riyadh. SJEMed. 2020;1(2):83-8.
Akkam AY, Joarder A, Cruz-Marcelino N, Mitra B, Alshehri S, Almazroua F. Epidemiology of pediatric patients admitted to a burns ICU in Saudi Arabia. Burns Open. 2020;4(3):90-3.
Alrawashdeh A, Nehme Z, Williams B, Smith K, Stephenson M, Bernard S, et al. Factors associated with emergency medical service delays in suspected ST-elevation myocardial infarction in Victoria, Australia: A retrospective study. Emerg Med Australas. 2020;32(5):777-85.
Bray J, Lim M, Cartledge S, Stub D, Mitra B, Newnham H, Cameron P. Comparison of the Victorian Emergency Minimum Dataset to medical records for emergency presentations for acute cardiovascular conditions and unspecified chest pain. Emerg Med Australas. 2020;32(2):295-302.
Chowdhury S, Almubarak SH, Binsaad KH, Mitra B, Fitzgerald M. Vertebral artery injury in major trauma patients in Saudi Arabia: A retrospective cohort study. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):16199.
Craig S, Cubitt M, Jaison A, Troupakis S, Hood N, Fong C, et al. Management of adult cardiac arrest in the COVID-19 era: consensus statement from the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine. Med J Aust. 2020;213(3):126-33.
Eastwood K, Nambiar D, Dwyer R, Lowthian JA, Cameron P, Smith K. Ambulance dispatch of older patients following primary and secondary telephone triage in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia: a retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open. 2020;10(11):e042351.
Ekegren CL, Braaf S, Ameratunga S, Ponsford J, Nunn A, Cameron P, et al. Adaptation, self-motivation and support services are key to physical activity participation three to five years after major trauma: a qualitative study. J Physiother. 2020;66(3):188-95.
Fernando H, Adams N, Mitra B. Investigations for the assessment of adult patients presenting to the emergency department with supraventricular tachycardia. World J Emerg Med. 2020;11(1):54-9.
Fernando H, Nehme Z, Peter K, Bernard S, Stephenson M, Bray J, et al. Prehospital opioid dose and myocardial injury in patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction. Open Heart. 2020;7(2).
Fitzgerald M, Lendrum R, Bernard S, Moloney J, Smit V, Mathew J, et al. Feasibility study for implementation of resuscitative balloon occlusion of the aorta in peri-arrest, exsanguinating trauma at an adult level 1 Australian trauma centre. Emerg Med Australas. 2020;32(1):127-34.
Fitzgerald MC, Yong MS, Martin K, Zimmet A, Marasco SF, Mathew J, et al. Emergency department resuscitative thoracotomy at an adult major trauma centre: Outcomes following a training programme with standardised indications. Emerg Med Australas. 2020;32(4):657-62.
Groombridge C, Maini A, Olaussen A, Kim Y, Fitzgerald M, Mitra B, Smit V. Impact of a targeted bundle of audit with tailored education and an intubation checklist to improve airway management in the emergency department: an integrated time series analysis. Emerg Med J. 2020;37(9):576-80.
Hannon L, St Clair T, Smith K, Fitzgerald M, Mitra B, Olaussen A, et al. Finger thoracostomy in patients with chest trauma performed by paramedics on a helicopter emergency medical service. Emerg Med Australas. 2020;32(4):650-6.
Hansen K, Boyle A, Holroyd B, Phillips G, Benger J, Chartier LB, et al. Updated framework on quality and safety in emergency medicine. Emerg Med J. 2020;37(7):437-42.
Haskins B, Nehme Z, Cameron P, Bernard S, Parker-Stebbing L, Smith K. Coles and Woolworths have installed public access defibrillators in all their stores: It is time other Australian businesses followed their lead. Emerg Med Australas. 2020;32(1):166-8.
Ireland S, Marquez M, Hatherley C, Farmer N, Luu B, Stevens C, et al. Emergency nurses' experience of adult basic and advanced life support workstations as a support strategy for clinical practice in the emergency department. Australas Emerg Care. 2020;23(2):77-83.
Keijzers G, Macdonald SP, Udy AA, Arendts G, Bailey M, Bellomo R, et al. The Australasian Resuscitation In Sepsis Evaluation: Fluids or vasopressors in emergency department sepsis (ARISE FLUIDS), a multi-centre observational study describing current practice in Australia and New Zealand. Emerg Med Australas. 2020;32(4):586-98.
Knott J, Gerdtz M, Dobson S, Daniel C, Graudins A, Mitra B, et al. Restrictive interventions in Victorian emergency departments: A study of current clinical practice. Emerg Med Australas. 2020;32(3):393-400.
Markwell A, Mitchell R, Wright AL, Brown AF. Clinical and ethical challenges for emergency departments during communicable disease outbreaks: Can lessons from Ebola Virus Disease be applied to the COVID-19 pandemic? Emerg Med Australas. 2020;32(3):520-4.
McCreary D, Cheng C, Lin ZC, Nehme Z, Fitzgerald M, Mitra B. Haemodynamics as a determinant of need for pre-hospital application of a pelvic circumferential compression device in adult trauma patients. Injury. 2020;51(1):4-9.
Miller JP, GM OR, Mackelprang JL, Mitra B. Trauma in adults experiencing homelessness. Injury. 2020;51(4):897-905.
Miller JP, Phillips G, Hutton J, Mackelprang JL, O'Reilly GM, Mitchell RD, et al. COVID-19 and emergency care for adults experiencing homelessness. Emerg Med Australas. 2020;32(6):1084-6.
Mitchell R, Banks C. Emergency departments and the COVID-19 pandemic: making the most of limited resources. Emerg Med J. 2020;37(5):258-9.
Mitchell R, McKup JJ, Bue O, Nou G, Taumomoa J, Banks C, et al. Implementation of a novel three-tier triage tool in Papua New Guinea: A model for resource-limited emergency departments. Lancet Reg Health West Pac. 2020;5:100051.
Mitchell R, Mitchell R, Phillips G, Jayaratnam S. Demand for global health training among obstetrics and gynaecology trainees in Australia and New Zealand: Insights from the TIGHT study. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 2020;60(4):616-21.
Mitchell R, Nou G. A 'new normal': Harnessing the experience of COVID-19 for sustained improvements in global emergency care. Lancet Reg Health West Pac. 2020;1:100012.
Mitchell RD, O'Reilly GM, Mitra B, Smit V, Miller JP, Cameron PA. Impact of COVID-19 State of Emergency restrictions on presentations to two Victorian emergency departments. Emerg Med Australas. 2020;32(6):1027-33.
Mitchell RD. The year of the 'rona: an uncontrolled trial in verse. Med J Aust. 2020;213(11):524.
Mitra B, Carter A, Smit V, Rahman F, O'Donovan S, Olaussen A, et al. Proactive review by the emergency department before inter-hospital transfer (the PREVENT study). Emerg Med Australas. 2020;32(1):61-6.
Mitra B, Kumar V, O'Reilly G, Cameron P, Gupta A, Pandit AP, et al. Prehospital notification of injured patients presenting to a trauma centre in India: a prospective cohort study. BMJ Open. 2020;10(6):e033236.
Mitra B, Luckhoff C, Mitchell RD, O'Reilly GM, Smit V, Cameron PA. Temperature screening has negligible value for control of COVID-19. Emerg Med Australas. 2020;32(5):867-9.
Mitra B, Mitchell RD, Cloud GC, Stub D, Nguyen M, Nanayakkara S, et al. Presentations of stroke and acute myocardial infarction in the first 28 days following the introduction of State of Emergency restrictions for COVID-19. Emerg Med Australas. 2020;32(6):1040-5.
Mitra B, Roman C, Charters KE, O'Reilly G, Gantner D, Cameron PA. Lactate, bicarbonate and anion gap for evaluation of patients presenting with sepsis to the emergency department: A prospective cohort study. Emerg Med Australas. 2020;32(1):20-4.
Mitra B, Roman C, Mercier E, Moloney J, Yip G, Khullar K, et al. Propofol for migraine in the emergency department: A pilot randomised controlled trial. Emerg Med Australas. 2020;32(4):542-7.
O Deasmhunaigh F, Abetz J, English S, Mitchell D, Mitra B. A Novel Method of Determining Acetabular Component Size to Guide Explant in Revision Hip Arthroplasty. Arthroplast Today. 2020;6(2):169-71.
O’Keeffe F, Surendran N, Yazbek C, Pandji P, Varma D, Fitzgerald MC, Mitra B. Surface anatomy site for thoracostomy using the axillary hairline. Trauma. 2020;22(4):251-5.
O'Brien T, Mitra B, Le Sage N, Tardif PA, Emond M, D'Astous M, Mercier E. Clinically significant traumatic intracranial hemorrhage following minor head trauma in older adults: a retrospective cohort study. Brain Inj. 2020;34(6):834-9.
O'Reilly GM, Mitchell RD, Mitra B, Noonan MP, Hiller R, Brichko L, et al. Impact of patient isolation on emergency department length of stay: A retrospective cohort study using the Registry for Emergency Care. Emerg Med Australas. 2020;32(6):1034-9.
O'Reilly GM, Mitchell RD, Mitra B, Noonan MP, Hiller R, Brichko L, et al. Informing emergency care for all patients: The Registry for Emergency Care (REC) Project protocol. Emerg Med Australas. 2020;32(4):687-91.
O'Reilly GM, Mitchell RD, Noonan MP, Hiller R, Mitra B, Brichko L, et al. Informing emergency care for COVID-19 patients: The COVID-19 Emergency Department Quality Improvement Project protocol. Emerg Med Australas. 2020;32(3):511-4.
O'Reilly GM, Mitchell RD, Rajiv P, Wu J, Brennecke H, Brichko L, et al. Epidemiology and clinical features of emergency department patients with suspected COVID-19: Initial results from the COVID-19 Emergency Department Quality Improvement Project (COVED-1). Emerg Med Australas. 2020;32(4):638-45.
O'Reilly GM, Mitchell RD, Wu J, Rajiv P, Bannon-Murphy H, Amos T, et al. Epidemiology and clinical features of emergency department patients with suspected COVID-19: Results from the first month of the COVID-19 Emergency Department Quality Improvement Project (COVED-2). Emerg Med Australas. 2020;32(5):814-22.
Phillips G, Creaton A, Airdhill-Enosa P, Toito'ona P, Kafoa B, O'Reilly G, Cameron P. Emergency care status, priorities and standards for the Pacific region: A multiphase survey and consensus process across 17 different Pacific Island Countries and Territories. Lancet Reg Health West Pac. 2020;1:100002.
Reyes J, Mitra B, McIntosh A, Clifton P, Makdissi M, Nguyen JVK, et al. An Investigation of Factors Associated With Head Impact Exposure in Professional Male and Female Australian Football Players. Am J Sports Med. 2020;48(6):1485-95.
Reyes J, Willmott C, McIntosh A, Howard TS, Clifton P, Makdissi M, et al. The potential of head acceleration measurement to augment current best practice in concussion screening in professional Australian football players. Phys Ther Sport. 2020;43:210-6.
Sun S, Ravintharan N, Jassal K, Nandurkar R, Yesul K, Boo E, et al. COVID-19 pandemic consciousness: droplet contamination and aerosolization during pleural decompression. ANZ J Surg. 2020;90(12):2588-91.
Thorn S, Tonglet M, Maegele M, Gruen R, Mitra B. Validation of the COAST score for predicting acute traumatic coagulopathy: A retrospective single-centre cohort study. Trauma. 2020;22(2):112-7.
Tong EY, Mitra B, Yip G, Galbraith K, Dooley MJ. Multi-site evaluation of partnered pharmacist medication charting and in-hospital length of stay. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2020;86(2):285-90.
Vasudeva M, Mathew JK, Fitzgerald MC, Cheung Z, Mitra B. Hypocalcaemia and traumatic coagulopathy: an observational analysis. Vox Sang. 2020;115(2):189-95.
Willmott C, Nguyen JV, Brennan JH, Mitra B. Reply to Fanton et al.: Comment on "Frequency and Magnitude of Game-Related Head Impacts in Male Contact Sports Athletes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis". Sports Med. 2020;50(4):843-4.
Woodruff IG, Mitchell RD, Phillips G, Sharma D, Toito'ona P, Jayasekera K, et al. COVID-19 and the Indo-Pacific: implications for resource-limited emergency departments. Med J Aust. 2020;213(8):345-9.e1.