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About RUCN

RUCN is a state-wide education program, offering tailored online materials, face-to-face activities and clinical placement opportunities for nurses working in Urgent Care Centres (UCCs).

The program was developed in consultation with stakeholders across Victoria, including nurses working in UCCs, Directors of Nursing and Health Service Executives, providers of existing programs, multiple government departments and other professional bodies. The program was drawn from the exceptional knowledge and experience of nurses across Victoria to create a relevant, convenient, high-quality program. The objective is to empower nurses working in Urgent Care Centres and connect them with information, systems and other resources to support nursing practice in this complex and demanding clinical setting.

This program is an initiative of the Victorian Department of Health to support Victoria’s rural nursing workforce. Alfred Health Emergency is honoured to have been selected as the coordinating centre for the development and implementation of activities and resources.

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What is the RUCN

In a nutshell, the Rural Urgent Care Nursing – Capability Development Program (RUCN-CDP), provides education and resources which assist health services and staff to develop or enhance the skills and confidence required to work in Urgent Care Centres.

The program is an initiative of the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services to support Victoria’s nursing workforce. The initial 3.5 year project commenced in mid-December 2019 and has been extended until June 2025. 

What does the RUCN - CPD Offer?

The program provides professional development, linkages and mentoring support to nurses working in Victorian Urgent Care Centres.

All resources have been created or curated specifically for this program. They are entirely contextualised to the Urgent Care Setting.

Available Resources Include :

  • Online learning resources – easy to use, very flexibly completed over a number of weeks or months with readily available remote support and mentoring.

  • Clinical placement – organised by the program to expose nurses to other urgent or emergency care settings.

  • Face-to-face workshop – to practice skills and build confidence in UCC nursing in a convenient rural location planned up to 12 months in advance.

  • An open access “one stop shop” online resource library which aggregates the resources required to guide practice in the UCC setting.

How will this program support my staff, my health service and my community?

Encouraging and enabling your staff to complete this program can assist you to:

  • Lower your clinical risk

  • Provide a standardised baseline of skills and confidence for your nursing working in your UCCs

  • Improve your workforce engagement

  • Create or enhance state-wide networks for nurses working in UCCs

  • Contribute to ensuring that the care provided to your community is safe, based on current evidence and high quality

Program Details

Carly McLachlan
Carly McLachlan

Clinical Nurse Educator (Team Lead)

Claire Schepers
Claire Schepers

Clinical Nurse Educator

Nikki Farmer
Nikki Farmer

Clinical Nurse Educator

Kate Hancock
Kate Hancock

Clinical Placement Coordinator

Eryn McGuinness
Eryn McGuinness

Clinical Nurse Educator
Gippsland & Hume

Lyndal Hodge
Lyndal Hodge

Clinical Nurse Educator

Tara Bradley
Tara Bradley

Clinical Nurse Educator

Jessica Cowan
Jessica Cowan

Program Manager

Jessica Juncker
Jessica Juncker

Program Administrator

Rural Urgent Care Nursing Program

The Rural Urgent Care Nursing – Capability Development Program (RUCN-CDP) is a Department of Health funded, state-wide program that supports rural health service nurses to maintain the skills and confidence to work in Urgent Care Centres across Victoria.

RUCN Core Program

Overview of the core program elements and full course guide.

Online Learning Platform

Learners enrolled in RUCN can access the online learning platform here.

Online Resource Library

Open access online resource library which includes recourses relevant to nurses working in Victorian UCCs.

Clinical Reference Group

GRG members who advise on and guide the clinical content of RUCN.

For more information get in touch with the team.

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